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Al-Bayan fi Khatt Mushaf ‛Uthman (by Abu al-Khayr Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Jazari)

Submitted by on December 21, 2015 – 1:31 pmNo Comment

Al-Bayan fi Khatt Mushaf ‛Uthman

(by Abu al-Khayr Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Jazari)


Dr Ghanim Qadduri al-Hamad*

The paper presents the text of a treatise on the Orthography of the Mushaf by ibn al-Jazari. It is the only work by ibn al-Jazari on this subject.

This paper introduces ibn al-Jazari’s other contributions in this field, and is based on what the author has mentioned in his book al-Nashr fi al-Qira’at al-‘Ashr in chapters related to Qur’anic Orthography in addition to what has been mentioned regarding the Mushaf of ibn al-Jazari in Nashr al-Marjan fi Rasm Nazm al-Qur’an by Muhammad Ghauth al-Na’iti al-Arkati.

I have explained in the paper the importance of this treatise with regard to ibn al-Jazari’s preferences amongst  the different  Orthographies about which scholars have divergent views. In addition, I have described the manuscripts and reference works based on which I have edited the text. I have also explained my methodology in editing this text, and in proving that it is the work of the author.

Ibn al-Jazari merely writes the Qur’anic words  as they should be written in accordance to the rules of ‛Uthmanic Orthography explaining the various phenomena involved in writing them such as addition or omission, joining or separation, retention of hamzah or its substitution.  I have made a special study of words which have been written in the Mushaf al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah in an orthography different from what ibn al-Jazari has written in his treatise, and have explained them in the light of famous books on rasm.

*Member, Faculty of Education, Takrit University, Iraq.

Popularity: 5%

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